5 Cauliflower Benefits & How to Make Cauliflower Rice
Discover 5 amazing cauliflower benefits to improve your health and how to make cauliflower rice to ensure you preserve the key nutrients. Cauliflower originated from the Mediterranean region as an offshoot of a type of wild cabbage and eventually made its way to Europe in the 15th century. In fact, the word "cauliflower" was derived from the Italian cavolfiore, meaning "cabbage flower". But unlike other vegetables in the cruciferous family, cauliflower has become one of the most popular edibles due to trendy low carb dieting such as the Keto diet. In fact, cauliflower rice is now a centerpiece in restaurant menus. But aside from its culinary fame, the most intriguing detail of this multi-colored plant is how cauliflower benefits physical and mental health due to its...