Hi, I’m Jami!
Thanks for visiting my website. I hope you’ll find valuable information to help you live a healthy lifestyle!
I created this website after a somewhat strange career path. I began my career working as a registered nurse in oncology and hematology, and eventually became certified in chemotherapy and biotherapy at M.D. Anderson Hospital in Houston, Texas in 2002. During this time, I was involved in several clinical research trials for chemotherapeutic agents. Shortly thereafter, I started looking into the role of nutrition, supplementation, and exercise for improving the quality of life in cancer patients. Long story short, I eventually left my “traditional” nursing career and found myself working across the country with some of the nation’s leading health and nutrition experts. I became a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Counselor and was invited to co-author a few nutrition books.
Along the way, I have also been asked to write on the topic of nutrition, fitness, supplements, vitamins, weight loss (just about everything health-related!) on websites such as Livestrong, Natural Health Advisory, Mother Earth News, and University Health News as well as spend some time providing nutrition counseling, coaching runners, and teaching courses on the topics of nutrition and endurance exercise.
And so, after years of writing, researching, teaching, etc. …Your Healthy Way was born! Again, I hope the articles, recipes, and product recommendations on this site will encourage you to live the healthiest life possible.
If I can help answer any questions, please feel free to send me a message on the Contact Us page.
To Your Health!